My thoughts on Life, Work, and the World I live in...

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Space...The Final Golden Calf

I decided to click on my own blogger profile today and I then decided to click on the book "The Man Who Was Thursday" by GK Chesterton.  I wanted to see who else in the world listed this book as a favorite.  I found a German twenty something who likes punk rock and heavy drinking.  But I also found someone named Stacey...  From Stacey's profile I found a link to something called - Solomon's Porch -

Dig this quote:  "Solomon's Porch is a community seeking to live the dreams and love of God in the way of Jesus. As part of this effort, we maintain a meeting space at 100 W 46th Street in South Minneapolis. While we use our facility for Sunday evening worship gatherings, Bible studies, meals, internet café, art exhibitions, and events, we are very aware that our community exists wherever the people of Solomon's Porch find themselves. In this way, our Christian lives are not limited to what we officially do in our meeting space, but are expressed through our lives."

What other Spaces are limiting the way I do life?  Causing me to unnecessarily compartmentalize things that were intended to be a healthy part of the greater whole?


caparoon said...

I've been meaning to talk to you about that basement, for starters.. maybe move the chairs and the tv so that you have easier access to the bookshelf and a more dynamic flow toward the back wall.

The feng shui in there is *terrible*!

Seriously, though, thank you for the thoughts. I like this one. I keep thinking about our compartmentalization, too.. not just in our local church body, but also with regards to our work (as highlighted in the current sermon series). We put each area of our lives in their own box (church, work, family, leisure) and then treat each of them like a doctor treating a patient's symptoms.. "oh.. looking a little green in the gills, Work Life.. let me give you a shot of this to see if it doesn't perk you up... and Home Life, take a snort of that and two of these every morning. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm running behind for my two o'clock with Spiritual Life..." But it's all one Life.. one Salvation...

(and maybe consider moving the fridge closer to the door.. there's no reason that constant access to food shouldn't be a part of the greater whole)

Josh said...

Funny you should mention the basement.. We just rearranged it about a week ago.

As I was reading your comments and thinking again about the quote from solomon's porch I thought of this verse;

"Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?"

Sacred space was a big deal in the OT. I mean every chapter or two it seems like somebody's setting up a pile of rocks or naming a pillar and calling it holy.

So is Paul clearing all that up for us.. God's in the life business, not general contracting so much?

..Oh yeah there's no way I'm moving my fridge closer to the door, else the moths would carry it off everytime I take the garbage out after dark.

caparoon said...

I'm starting to wonder if that's not the case. Kinda goes along with the other things I've been thinking, at least.. which is of course no guarantee of it's rightness. : ]

I've now got my wireless router working, and a work laptop.. so we shall see exactly how wrong I am, as I start to twiddle with blurring the lines between the work life and the home life.

I have always thought it was really really wrong of people to let their work life bleed out all over their home life. I still think that. I don't think it should consume or control the home life. But maybe there's such a thing as a peaceful co-existance, at least.

About Me

I'm in love with my wife, enchanted by my children, and amazed by the world around me.