My thoughts on Life, Work, and the World I live in...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Anonymous, who needs it?

I promised to rant on the evils of anonymous journalism. However, I have lost the urge. My comment is if you have something to say.. sign your name to it. Chesterton says,

"It is quite true that there is a young and beautiful fanaticism in which men do not care to reveal there names. But there is a more elderly and much more common excitement in which men do not dare to reveal them." - G.K. Chesterson All Things Considered

I tend to agree with him. If only all the anonimonty that folks crave was from pure motive then I wouldn't mind it. Then it would be something of humility, a virture instead of a vice. I mean how often does someone write a New York Times best sellar and not mind who gets the credit (and the royalties) for it.

1 comment:

about me said...

On the topic of anonymity, I figured I'd comment so you could find the blog...

About Me

I'm in love with my wife, enchanted by my children, and amazed by the world around me.