My thoughts on Life, Work, and the World I live in...

Monday, November 05, 2007

The Jason Bourne Syndrome

Sadly this kind of thinking is an exercise that I fall victim to all too often. To prove this you need only ask anyone who has ever ridden on a plane with me.


about me said...

Scott has a version of the same sickness, where he plans how to get into or out of a place without being caught or identified by security cameras, etc. If you ever want to rob a Subway, he's your man.


Steph H. said...

As wife and cohabitant of Josh, I have to say this cartoon is my husband, perfectly.

caparoon said...

haha.. "crossbow"

(incidentally, the "word verification" word is "pztgort".. which is, I think, the sound a crossbow makes.)


Unknown said...

Yes, yes... I understand even further why we are kindred warbook spirits (and kindred munchkin spirits...and kindred chess spirits...etc...)

P.S. - it is not DIRECTLY related, but I just obtained a new video game, Rock Band, for my ps3, and it is about the most amazing thing ever. Mayhaps it be time to pack it up and take it on a road trip to your place...

About Me

I'm in love with my wife, enchanted by my children, and amazed by the world around me.