My thoughts on Life, Work, and the World I live in...

Friday, March 24, 2006

Dear Afghan Judge - Touche

Afghan President Hamid Karzai, looks on while wearing his new "Realtree" Islamic beanie. Does anyone else think this guy looks like Dave Giammaria? has a story about the trial and immemient death sentence of Abdul Rahman a recent convert to Christianity. The angle that Time is taking is that the president Hamid Karzai has a tight rope to walk in trying to please the people of his country, who according to the Time article want Mr. Rahman executed under the tenants of Islamic "Sharia" law. This of course being in direct contrast to every western nation with troops in the country, who are demanding that the man be set free.

The presiding judge in the case, Ansarullah Maulavizada is quoted as saying:

“In the West you allow two women to get married because that is the law and I respect that,” ...“In Afghanistan, we have Sharia law and the people respect and accept this.”


1 comment:

Steph H. said...

Even though this new Christian will be put to death and soon thereafter meet his rest and reward with Jesus in heaven, don't ya just wish one of those fire-y furnace situations would take place like in the old testament? They try every method to kill him, and they just can't? I love that kind of stuff in the Bible. And, yes, it does look like Dave G. Uncanny.

About Me

I'm in love with my wife, enchanted by my children, and amazed by the world around me.