My thoughts on Life, Work, and the World I live in...

Friday, May 06, 2005

Hey Tony Blair - Bully for You!!

Tony Blair Wins Absolute Majority! - Xinhua News

LONDON, May 6 (Xinhuanet) -- British Prime Minister Tony Blair's Labor Party won an absolute majority of parliamentary seats in Britain's general election on Friday, passing the required 324-seat mark for the 646-member House of Commons.

The election victory means Blair has won a historic third consecutive term in office.

Irish Labour Party Praises Blair

The re-election of Prime Minister Tony Blair marks him out as one of the successful British political leaders of the past century, the Irish Labour Party said today.

The party has been watching the British general election with keen interest, as it seeks to win power at the next Irish general election.

Ok, Ok! Those of you who know me are pretty much aware that no one can mention Tony Blair without me standing up on a chair and saying "That guy's really sharp!" So, Needless to say I am quite pleased that TB will be the PM for another term.

I think it is impossible to listen to this man speak and not be impressed. If you don't like his content you have to love the "Hugh Grant in Nottinghill" quality that his voice and inflection have. However I don't imagine that TB would sound anymore eloquent saying "Whopsy Daisies" than William Thacker did.

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I'm in love with my wife, enchanted by my children, and amazed by the world around me.